Nose Work, Scent Work & Tracking
Updated: 7/1/24
TrackingTracking requires very little equipment... You need a harness, a 20-to-40 foot lead, a few flags to mark your track, and an open grassy area free of obstacles such as roads, ditches, or woods.
Want to test your dogs tracking ability? You can test his abilities in a Tracking Dog Test (TD). The test is non-competitive where your dog follows a path to find article(s) dropped along the way. There’s no time limit as long as your dog is “working.” Learn all about Tracking on the AKC - Tracking Information webpage. Image 5 - Jedi tracking on a non-vegetative surface on a VST (Variable Surface Track) on a ten-foot lead.
EventsAll-Breed AKC Scent Work Trial: Bouvier National - October 2024, Purina Farms, MO Committee |